Why is it free?
We are offering the service for free to our users during the Early Access period, but we have a limited number of seats available.
We'll be making more seats available as we go along, so if you can't sign up now, please check back later.
What's the catch?
You need to use it.
We need users in order to make sure the system is working as expected and so that we may receive feedback if something doesn't seem right. Or for suggesting changes and new features important to you.
But if you're not actively using Backtesting Forex, then you're just taking up a seat that could be used by someone else.

You also need to agree that we may contact you by email.
This will help us learn from you and improve the service that it works for you and our other users.
When will the Early Access end?
There is no date set for the Early Access to end. We'll keep it open until we feel it's ready for a full release. We're planning to start charging for the service at that point, but we're still in the process of working out these details.
Ready to learn more?
The best way to learn more about Backtesting Forex is to sign up and try it out.
Try Backtesting Forex